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8051 Micro controller Kit (LED Version) 

1 8051 Micro controller Kit
-    89C52 micro controller, 12 MHz, Built in 8K Flash ROM and 256 bytes
      internal RAM 
-    8279 based display / keyboard
-    8 function keys, 16 hex keys and 6 digits seven segment display
-    3 nos. of 8 bit ports for the user (8255) in the expansion connector
-    8 bit bar graph LED display, 8 bit DIP switch input
-    Timer 0 pulse input push switch and Int 0 input push switch
-     Port 1 pin outs and to use Port 1 using 4 Switches and 4 LEDs

-     Serial Facility and windows based Software to download Hex file from  
       PC to Kit
-     8 K RAM and 16K ROM expansion socket

-     Necessary data lines, address lines and control lines in the expansion
-     Built in Power supply, Casing to keep the kit safe and Detailed manual
2 Digital I/O Interface Board
3 Matrix Hex Key board Interface Board
4 Seven Segment Display Interface Board 
5 Traffic Light Interface Board 
6 LCD Display Interface Board
7 8 bit DAC Interface (board without Power Supply)
8 With External Power Supply
Multiple Power Supply
-          5V, 1A, ± 12V or ± 15V Fixed Power Supply, 200 mA
9 Stepper Motor interface board
10 DC Motor Interface Board

Serial data through serial Ports between the controller  -  Built in feature of Kit  FREE

Microprocessor and Micro controller Kits
2 8086 Microprocessor Trainer Kit  (LCD Version)
3 8051 Micro controller Kit  (LCD Version)
4 Microcontroller 89C61X2 Development Kit
5 PIC Trainer Kit   

III Semester
ECE and EEE – Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab 

1VI Characteristics of PN Junction Diode
2VI Characteristics of Zener Diode
3Half wave and Full wave Rectifier without and with filter
4Bridge rectifier without and with filter
5Input and output characteristics of CE Transistor
6 RC Coupled amplifier 
7RC Phase Shift Oscillator
8JFET Characteristics
9Common Source FET  Amplifier
10UJT Characteristics
11SCR Characteristics
12DIAC and TRIAC Characteristics
13Positive and biased diode Clipper 
14Diode Clamper Circuits
15LDR Characteristics Kit with LUX Meter to measure the Light Intensity
16Without LUX Meter
17Photo Transistor Characteristics with LUX Meter 
18Without LUX Meter
19Astable and Monostable Multivibrators using Transistors