8051 Micro controller Kit (LED Version)
1 | 8051 Micro controller Kit |
- 89C52 micro controller, 12 MHz, Built in 8K Flash
ROM and 256 bytes internal RAM |
- 8279 based display / keyboard | |
- 8 function keys, 16 hex keys and 6 digits seven segment display | |
- 3 nos. of 8 bit ports for the user (8255) in the expansion connector | |
- 8 bit bar graph LED display, 8 bit DIP switch input | |
- Timer 0 pulse input push switch and Int 0 input push switch | |
- Port 1 pin outs and to use Port 1 using 4 Switches and 4 LEDs | |
- Serial Facility and windows based Software to
download Hex file from PC to Kit |
- 8 K RAM and 16K ROM expansion socket | |
- Necessary data
lines, address lines and control lines in the expansion connector |
- Built in Power supply, Casing to keep the kit safe and Detailed manual | |
2 | Digital I/O Interface Board |
3 | Matrix Hex Key board Interface Board |
4 | Seven Segment Display Interface Board |
5 | Traffic Light Interface Board |
6 | LCD Display Interface Board |
7 | 8 bit DAC Interface (board without Power Supply) |
8 | With External Power Supply |
Multiple Power Supply | |
- 5V, 1A, ± 12V or ± 15V Fixed Power Supply, 200 mA | |
9 | Stepper Motor interface board |
10 | DC Motor Interface Board |
Serial data through serial Ports between the controller - Built in feature of Kit FREE |
Microprocessor and Micro controller Kits | |
2 | 8086 Microprocessor Trainer Kit (LCD Version) |
3 | 8051 Micro controller Kit (LCD Version) |
4 | Microcontroller 89C61X2 Development Kit |
5 | PIC Trainer Kit |
III Semester
ECE and EEE – Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
1 | VI Characteristics of PN Junction Diode |
2 | VI Characteristics of Zener Diode |
3 | Half wave and Full wave Rectifier without and with filter |
4 | Bridge rectifier without and with filter |
5 | Input and output characteristics of CE Transistor |
6 | RC Coupled amplifier |
7 | RC Phase Shift Oscillator |
8 | JFET Characteristics |
9 | Common Source FET Amplifier |
10 | UJT Characteristics |
- | |
11 | SCR Characteristics |
12 | DIAC and TRIAC Characteristics |
13 | Positive and biased diode Clipper |
14 | Diode Clamper Circuits |
15 | LDR Characteristics Kit with LUX Meter to measure the Light Intensity |
16 | Without LUX Meter |
17 | Photo Transistor Characteristics with LUX Meter |
18 | Without LUX Meter |
19 | Astable and Monostable Multivibrators using Transistors |